Exploring Symbiosis in the Natural World

As soon as I heard that Creative Being was curating an exhibition exploring how climate change is affecting the natural world and how we can empower ourselves to create change, I was immediately inspired to get involved. I created four artworks inspired by the natural world to express the value that is held in nature. Through these artworks, I hoped to convey a sense of connection between living beings, enabling the viewer to feel immersed. In order to combat climate change we must look towards nature and the value that is held within. Protection of habitats is essential for the longevity of the natural world, and through this body of work I hope to inspire others to take action against climate change. 

Combining traditional and physical methods of artmaking

Each artwork was developed through research about the natural world and the symbiotic relationships that lie within it. I sourced photographs of the beings I wanted to include within my artworks, and created concept artworks to decipher the best compositions on Adobe Photoshop. I then translated these into watercolour artworks on handmade paper, with details in pen.

‘Fairy Bells’, Watercolour and Ink on Paper, A4.

By compositing photos together in Adobe Photoshop, I was able to play around with compositions and colour schemes to portray the balance of living beings. I chose organisms that were dependant on each other for survival, reflecting this balance in a more literal way.

I reflected on the theme of this exhibition whilst making these artworks, thinking about how I could convey the beauty of the natural world to encourage others to take action against climate change and protect the natural world. 

"Time is running out for the natural world and for humanity. We need to use our voices to create change and make a positive impact on the planet. Creativity has the power to spark solutions, ideas and empowerment." - Creative Being

Earth 23 allowed artists to come together and speak about climate change through their own visual languages, and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this and meeting the artists involved.

A special thanks goes out to Indigo, founder of Creative Being, who curated this wonderful exhibition and inspired the creation of art that inspires change. 


‘Thousand-leaf’, Watercolour and Ink on Paper, A4.

‘Tell-time’, Watercolour and Ink on Paper, A4.

‘Aphrodite’, Watercolour and Pen on Paper, A4.

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