Campaigning for the Protection of Mother Nature

Nature is extraordinary, but it is now at risk from the increasing pressure that is placed upon it. I want to do all I can to protect species and habitats, especially by campaigning and encouraging others to push for a world where wildlife can thrive. We must inspire social change in order to influence government and businesses to change their policies to support vulnerable wildlife and protect nature from the impacts of human development. We are in a nature and climate emergency, meaning that we cannot continue to sit by whilst habitats are destroyed and species become extinct. I strongly believe that the RSPB are an integral part of pushing change across the UK, and I want to be a part of this movement.

Creating Campaign Material

I am fascinated by birds and their different qualities, so create many watercolour paintings of them. I brought some of these into Photoshop, used adjustment layers to help them mesh with the digital page and added typography to communicate the message of protecting habitats. The outcome of this is a visually enticing poster that communicates a passion for species and habitats, with a call to action for the viewer.

Some of the techniques used to create this poster include:

You can check out the impactful work of RSPB here.

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